RENACER has become a national and international reference for researchers and clinicians interested in brain metastases and a repository for a unique worldwide cohort of this valuable material.

It is therefore expected that the establishment of this Network will act as a critical mass for the organisation of joint research projects, which will enhance the reach of the network and its results, thus contributing to improve scientific knowledge about the disease, while seeking alternative approaches for the development of better diagnostics and treatments, to benefit the patients. 


Here we include some projects for the fulfilment of RENACER’s objectives:

Project reference: HR23-00051. CaixaResearch Health 2023 (01/09/2023 – 31/08/2026).

Objective: to develop a genomically-guided precision medicine line for the treatment of brain metastases not conditioned or limited by the conditions of the primary tumour.

Project reference: PRYCO234528VALI. Proyectos Coordinados AECC 2023. Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer  (15/10/2023 – 14/10/2028).

Objective: development of a novel strategy and framework under the umbrella of the RENACER network, to challenge the pillars underlying the poor prognosis of brain metastases, through a more efficient approach to reach specific clinically-relevant goals applicable to cancer patients.

Project reference: TRANSCAN2021-203. ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3. 1. (12/2022-12/2025).

Objective: decipher the cellular landscape and molecular determinants that impose local immune suppression and modulate sensitivity to immunotherapeutic strategies in brain metastasis.

Project reference: 864759. ERC Consolidator Grant. (07/2020-07/2025).

Objective: dissect the biology of emerging molecular patterns during reprogramming of metastasis-associated microenvironment in the brain and their functional consequences to prevent and treat brain metastasis.

Project reference: CIVP19S8163; M.V./ CIVP20A6613; E.O. Ramón Areces Foundation. (01/04/2021-15/05/2024).

Objective: development and implementation of a collaborative framework for the identification, collection, and characterisation of brain metastasis samples, with the aim of promoting research in this field, and to generate a repository of this valuable material.