- Challenging
- Brain Metastasis
Creating a new paradigm for this disease through the development of new personalised cancer therapeutic approaches.
By leveraging new knowledge and understanding brain metastasis’ processes and properties, we aim to challenge the three pillars underlying the poor prognosis of this disease: high lethality, therapeutic resistance and impact in neurocognition and quality of life, for a more rapid development of new diagnostics, treatments, biomarkers, and better approaches in the clinical practice.
The Spanish National Network on Brain Metastases (RENACER) consists of a cooperative framework of national reference hospitals, research laboratories and a biobank, which collaborate with each other with the aim of creating a unique collection of human samples and data to promote research on brain metastases, with a view to improving both their diagnosis and treatment.
Through the different complementary and cross-cutting perspectives offered by the RENACER framework, we will advance the development of new, more precise and effective approaches, therapies and personalised treatments. Without RENACER, this work would be almost impossible.
Members & coordinators
RENACER, established at national level, with international vision, is formed by health institutions, basic/translational laboratories and a biobank, which work closely with multidisciplinary groups with diverse backgrounds and expertise, to address the underlying pillars of brain metastasis and its poor prognosis. Learn more about our team on our website.
Results & Achievements
This project aims to disrupt the systemic strategy applied for brain metastases treatment, by leveraging new knowledge and understanding of this disease’s processes and vulnerabilities. Visit our website to learn more about our achievements and ongoing research.
RENACER, as a national and international reference for researchers and clinicians interested in brain metastases, acts as a critical mass for the organisation of joint research projects, in an ongoing effort to benefit patients. Several initiatives in this regard have been created.
Interesting publications
A clinically-compatible drug-screening platform based on organotypic cultures identifies vulnerabilities to prevent and treat brain metastasis
Zhu L, et al., Valiente M
EMBO Molecular Medicine (2022)
The evolving landscape of brain metastasis
Valiente M, et al
Trends in Cancer. 4(3):176-196. (2018)
STAT3 labels a subpopulation of reactive astrocytes required for brain metastasis
Priego N, et al., Valiente M
Nature Medicine 24(7):1024-1035 (2019)
A clinically-compatible drug-screening platform based on organotypic cultures identifies vulnerabilities to prevent and treat brain metastasis
Zhu L, et al., Valiente M
EMBO Molecular Medicine (2022)
Stratification of radiosensitive brain metastases based on an actionable S100A9/RAGE resistance mechanism
Monteiro C**, Miarka L**, et al., Valiente M
Nature Medicine (2022)
Machine learning identifies experimental brain metastasis subtypes based on their influence on neural circuits
Sanchez-Aguilera A**, Masmudi-Martín M**, et al., Valiente M
Cancer Cell (2023)
Within the project, we aim to achieve significant scientific achievements for the treatment of this metastatic disease; however, no influence or effect will be achieved in the translation of these results, if we are not able to render and communicate the results. For this purpose, we will focus part of our efforts on making the project results visible to a wide audience.
A project developed by one of the RENACER teams has been recognized as one of the most outstanding advances in cancer research in 2024 with the support of the Association.
The Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer has
Challenging brain metastasis, a common goal within the 4th general assembly of RENACER, hosted by the GEINO congress
The Spanish National Brain Metastasis Network (RENACER) celebrated the last
RENACER celebrates its next assembly within the Congress of the Spanish Group for Research in Neuro-oncology (GEINO)
On an annual basis, the Spanish National Brain Metastasis Network
El investigador que no quería ser científico y va a derribar la última frontera del cáncer
Análisis volumétrico: Replanteamiento de la evaluación de la respuesta de las metástasis cerebrales
Neuro-Oncology Advances
Los criterios de respuesta para las metástasis cerebrales son revisados
Neuro-Oncology Advances
Eva Ortega, directora científica del Biobanco del CNIO y directora de gestión de RENACER, nueva secretaria general de Investigación
CNIO noticias
La actividad de MOLAB reconocida por la AECC, Asociación Española contra el Cáncer
AECC, Asociación Española contra el Cáncer
Un biobanco "vivo" de muestras de metástasis cerebrales para la "medicina personalizada 2.0
Diagnostics world news
El nuevo objetivo de la investigación oncológica es erradicar la metástasis antes de que aparezca
CNIO noticias
La primera colección mundial de muestras vivas de metástasis cerebrales ayudará a aplicar la terapia más eficaz para cada paciente.
Trends in Cancer
3ª Asamblea General "Red Nacional de Metástasis Cerebrales (RENACER): Tres años de trabajo conjunto"
Fundación Ramón Areces
Un estudio revela que los tumores cerebrales "piratean" la comunicación entre neuronas
La investigación del MOLAB desvela las leyes de crecimiento de las metástasis cerebrales
npj Systems Biology and Applications
Comienza el mayor proyecto español para identificar genes que aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer
CNIO noticias
Neurociencia del cáncer: cómo los tumores secuestran el sistema nervioso para crecer más rápido
Un programa que busca los fármacos más eficaces para el cáncer de cada paciente ayuda a personalizar los tratamientos oncológicos
CNIO noticias
RENACER, la primera colección de muestras vivas humanas de metástasis cerebral, premiada por el Grupo Español de Pacientes con Cáncer
MOLAB publica un conjunto de datos sobre metástasis cerebrales de acceso abierto
Scientific Data 10, 208 (2023)
A través de la dinámica de crecimiento de las metástasis cerebrales se consigue diferenciar la necrosis por radiación de la recidiva
Neurooncology Advances
2ª Asamblea general ''Red Nacional de Metástasis Cerebral (RENACER): Dos años de andadura conjunta''
Investigadores españoles descubren cómo aumentar la eficacia de la radioterapia para la metástasis cerebral
Investigadores españoles descubren cómo aumentar la eficacia de la radioterapia para la metástasis cerebral
La Vanguardia
Investigadores españoles descubren cómo aumentar la eficacia de la radioterapia para la metástasis cerebral
El Mundo
Investigadores diseñan una plataforma de cribado de fármacos compatible con biopsias de pacientes para combatir la metástasis
RENACER, a national hospital network to boost research into brain metastases, is launched
How to make your research more translatable
In this video, Manuel Valiente, CNIO Brain Metastasis Group, discusses the challenges faced by basic scientists in translating their findings to clinical applications by sharing the example of the @RENACERBrainMet network.